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The Petaluma Policing Foundation offers a variety of programs that increase the health, safety and awareness of our demographically diverse community.  Most notably, PPF focuses on our youth and aging populations to ensure support is there when it is most needed.


Police Explorer Program 
Teen law-enforcement cadet program offers sworn-officer mentorship and leadership development for our youth. Several of our Explorers have gone on to become Petaluma Police Department Officers and civilian staff later in life. 


Junior Police Camp
No-cost education program offered to 3rd-8th grade students twice a year that begins to build the important relationship between our youth and law enforcement, focusing on leadership, teamwork, and a winning attitude. 


Sponsored Educational Outreach Programs
Understanding that education is a key factor in prevention,  PPF sponsors various programs throughout the year.  As issues and topics of need are identified, the PPF adds programs to its list. Currently, we offer the Bike Donation Project, Car Seat Program, Distracted Driving -Railroad Safety Programs, Human Trafficking Awareness, The Little Library, Scam/Fraud/Identity Theft Prevention, Restorative Justice and Teen/Adult Mental Health Awareness. 


Philanthropic Programs

Responding to the needs of the community, PPF sponsors programs such as Shop with a Cop, Adopt a family and School Supply Drives. 


Community Academy
PPF provides two annual (Spanish and English) 10-week courses that address public trust and legitimacy, policy and oversight, technology and social media, crime reduction and community policing, officer training and education, professional standards, officer wellness and safety, use of force, and patrol and specialty operations. 


Volunteer in Police Service
The Petaluma Police Department has more than 50 thriving volunteers who donate, on average, more than 5,500 hours of service annually to assist in various facets of the Police Department. Specific tasks include: DUI check points, parades, wellness checks, patrols in mobile home parks and residential areas, and act as a liaison for local schools and businesses. 


Rail Safety Project

In 2018 the Petaluma Policing Foundation was a recipient of a Union Pacific Foundation grant, to promote railway safety in our community. The Petaluma Policing Foundation, the Petaluma Police Department, and SMART partnered together to create rail safety PSA that plays before the movies at the Petaluma, Fairfax, Tiburon, and Rohnert Park theaters. PPF partnered with local ADF Video for the production, which has played tens of thousands of times. 

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