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VOLUNTEER- Petaluma Police Department 

Be a part of the team of Petaluma Police Volunteers: Regular residents like you who volunteer their time to help the Petaluma Police Department to better serve our community!


Like many law enforcement agencies across the nation, Petaluma Police Department relies on volunteers to enhance services provided to the community. Volunteers help support the infrastructure, so that our sworn officers can focus specifically on the safety and well-being of our citizens.


On an average, volunteers donate more than 5,500 hours annually – the equivalent of two and a half full-time employees.


Volunteers of all ages assist with event traffic control and DUI check points, transport paperwork to the Sonoma County District Attorney’s office, log evidence and provide senior and community safety education. The volunteer force currently includes police chaplains and community reserve officers, who have been more thoroughly trained in department protocol, along with citizen volunteers.


The PPD recruits from its Community Academy course, which gives Petaluma residents a look at the inner-workings of the department, and from Santa Rosa Junior College, Sonoma State University, and local high schools.


By collaborating with local high schools, PPD affords students an opportunity to accomplish their community service hours and senior projects through our agency. Student projects are designed to address important social issues that include law-enforcement involvement and community problems-solving to bring about civic engagement and proactivity. Upon completion of the project, students create Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for social media sites and give presentations to build awareness in their community and on their school campus.


Volunteers will tell you the experience often becomes life-changing.


  • Data Entry (Stolen Property & Pawn Slips)

  • Fund Raising for K-9 & Petaluma Policing

  • Equipment and Supplies

  • Special Events (Fair, Special Olympics, Butter & Eggs Day, and National Night Out)

  • Senior Outreach (Welfare Checks, Education Fraud & Scams)

  • Homeless Outreach

  • DUI Checkpoints & Code Enforcement

  • Downtown Foot Patrol & Liaison with Local Businesses

  • Safe Routes to Schools

  • Neighborhood Watch

  • Safe Return PPD Alzheimer’s Registry

  • Child Safety & Finger Printing

  • Bike Donation Program

  • Petaluma Museum Police Preservation Project

  • Traffic Control

  • Junior Police Camp


  • Children's Village

  • Latino Service Providers

  • Linus Project

  • Mentor Me

  • Petaluma City School District

  • Petaluma Health Care District

  • Petaluma People Services Center

  • Petaluma Senior Center

  • Polly Klaas

  • Verity


Participation requirements:
   •  No felony convictions
   •  Valid CA driver’s license
   •  Be in satisfactory medical condition
   •  Clean background as determined by a background investigation


​Application process:

   •  Complete and submit the Volunteer Application

   •  Qualified volunteers will be invited to an oral interview

   •  Complete a routine background check

   •  Complete the volunteer training

       Initial training consists of one night per week for four weeks and one full Saturday. 

       Additional training will be provided on an on-going basis.




Call 707-778-4458 or email for more information.



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